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Chunkloader Guidelines

To ensure server performance and a smooth experience for all players on Slabserver, chunkloaders must follow the guidelines below.


  • You must request approval from the staff team before using any chunkloaders.
  • Chunkloader usage must be kept to a minimum, with no chunkloader arrays. Players are allowed a maximum of (simdistance +1)/4 chunkloaders, rounded down.
    • For example, if the simulation distance is 8, players may have up to two chunkloaders.
  • Chunkloaders must be easily disabled, with clear instructions provided on how to disable them.
  • Chunkloaders should automatically turn off when no longer needed.
    • For example, a public Iron or Shulker farm must disable both the farm and the chunkloader when storage is full.
  • All loaded chunks must comply with existing server rules, such as our Anti-Lag Guidelines.


Staff reserve the right to disable a chunkloader at any time if it affects server performance or TPS for other players.

Requesting Permission

  • To request approval for a chunkloader, please message @Chester with the following information:

  • The intended purpose of the chunkloader.

  • The exact coordinates where the chunkloader can be disabled, along with instructions on how to do so.
  • Any additional features, such as an auto-shutdown after a set time (e.g., "turns off after 5 minutes").
  • Confirmation that you have read and understood the guidelines above.
  • (Optional) Any other relevant details, such as MSPT estimates.

If approved, the staff team will add the chunkloader to an internal spreadsheet, for our own documentation and reference.