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Shopping District Guidelines

To help keep the Shopping District in tiptop shape, players must follow the guidelines below, and help to remind fellow community members of them too.


  • To help enforce the guidelines and conduct clean ups, the staff team has appointed a small crew of community members to a Shopping District Cleanup Crew (henceforth referred to as the SDCC).

  • The SDCC enforces the guidelines and makes decisions regarding individual shops and the Shopping District as a whole. Decisions made by the SDCC or the staff team may supersede these guidelines.

  • If you disagree with a decision made by the SDCC, bring it to the attention of the staff team. The staff team's decision will be final.


  • If you claim land, mark the boundaries and place a sign with your in-game name and the current date.

  • Do not claim an excessive amount of land.

  • Do not claim land without building for longer than 7 days.

  • Do not claim land simply to sell it.

  • If you are giving up a shop, you may sell it to another person within a reasonable amount of time. Inactive or poorly-stocked shops will still be subject to regular clean ups (see below) even if they are up for sale.

Building Considerations

  • Buildings should reflect an attempt at quality.

  • Buildings should sell items or services. Do not build personal bases or storage rooms.

  • Space is limited in the Shopping District. Do not construct unnecessarily large buildings.

  • Buildings should be lag-conscious. Do not overuse chests, shulker boxes, item frames, or other blocks/entities which can negatively affect frame rates or server performance.

  • Refrain from using active beacons in your shop.

Building Boundaries

  • Keep buildings sufficiently spaced apart, with at least enough space for a horse to travel through.

  • Floating builds should be kept small and are generally discouraged. Do not build above an existing build without permission.

  • Builds should be visible from the surface. Mostly underground builds may be removed. Do not build underneath an existing build without permission.

  • Do not extend the island beyond the boundaries of the mushroom biome.

  • Avoiding building into the ocean, unless your build suits the theme (e.g. a ship or dock). If you do build into the ocean, make sure to prevent mob spawns.


  • At the beginning of each month, the SDCC will post an "Activity Checker" on each shop, usually in the form of a map in an item frame.

  • Shop owners may indicate activity by returning the map and item frame to the Taxes building in the center of the Shopping District.

  • Shops that miss multiple activity checkers, are infrequently or poorly stocked or otherwise infrequently used, or otherwise violate the guidelines above are subject to the removal process.

  • In addition to the above, any shop may be subject to the removal process, at staff's or the SDCC's discretion.

  • In general, the SDCC will speak to the owner of the shop first, either to request changes, or to warn before the shop is removed.

  • If the owner cannot be reached or does not act after a warning is issued, the SDCC may remove the shop and collect its materials. The materials are stored in a chest in the same location, and are preserved for 2 weeks for the owner to collect them.

  • If the owner does not claim their items, the materials will be made available to the public for 2 weeks, after which any unclaimed items may be subject to disposal.